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To understand what products sell well in the Kitchen Appliances category (a subcategory of  Home & Kitchen) on Amazon Japan we analysed the Top 100 Best-Selling products in this category.

*Note that Best Seller lists update regularly so the data presented here may differ slightly from the current products, however, the general trends should be similar as we regularly update this article.

Best Selling Kitchen Appliances on Amazon Japan

Quick link to the Kitchen Appliances Top 100 Best-Sellers List on

Groups of products that sell well on Amazon Japan:

Main Products

  • Cookers & Stoves
  • Blenders & Juices
  • White goods
  • Toasters
  • Microwaves
  • Accessories e.g. items related to the Kitchen category but are not appliances (Meat tenderiser, bread mix, bakeware, etc.)
  • Small Miscellaneous Appliances  e.g. Items with specific uses (waffle maker, shaved ice machine, yoghurt maker, etc.)
  • Food processors & mixers
  • Kettles & Hot water dispensers
  • Grills & Hotplate devices

Cookers & Stoves are the best sellers on Amazon Japan in the Kitchen Appliances category. There are 2 listings in the Top 10 and 19 in the Top 100. Kettles & Hot water dispensers are the second most popular category with 17 listings in the Top 100 followed by small appliances and grill/hot plates ( 14 and 13 respectively). The market for blenders & juicers appears to be strong on Amazon Japan with 10 listings in the Top 100.

How does this compare to other Amazon markets?

To see how Amazon Japan compares to other popular Amazon marketplaces, we also analysed the Top 100 Best-Seller list on

Similarities between Japan and US markets

Blenders & Juicers were similarly popular with 10 listings in Japan and 15 in the USA. Miscellaneous small appliances were popular in both markets, however, they were significantly more popular in the USA market.

Differences between Japan and US markets

There were more grill/hot plate products in Japan, with 13 listings compared to the USA’s single listing.

‘Drinks machines & devices’ were highly popular in the USA market, with nearly 73% of listings made up of Coffee makers/machines-

Japan Top ListingsUSA Top Listings
8 Oven toasters 16 coffee makers
8 rice cookers11 blenders
6 cookers6 air fryers
6 microwaves5 pressure cookers
4 electric hand blenders5 food  processors
4 Electric kettles4 milk frothers
5 grills4 toasters
3 refrigerators4 juicers
3 juicers4 electric kettles
3 hot water dispensers 3 knife sharpeners
3 takoyaki plates3 egg cookers
2 hand mixers
3 electric hand mixers
2 food processors2 waffle makers
2 steam ovens 2 microwaves
2 stoves2 popcorn makers
2 yoghurt makers
4 coffee makers
2 coffee grinders

Breakdown of the number for different product types on and (only shown if there were 2 or more listings in the Top 100)


In the USA the most popular brand was ‘Ninja’, this was followed by ‘Keurig’ and ‘Hamilton’. ‘AmazonBasics’ and ‘Presto’ were also brands that had more than one listing. All brands are American.

In Japan, ‘Iris Ohyama’ was the most popular brand, with ‘Panasonic’ and ‘Tiger’ following behind (10 listings for both). Iwatani and Tefal were also brands with multiple listings. Most of these brands are Japanese with the exception of ‘Tefal’ which is French.


The products that sell well on Amazon Japan are vastly different to those that sell well in the US. Although there are some similarities, the two markets are mostly different with Rice Cookers selling more in Japan compared to the USA’s Best Selling Coffee Machines.

Browse the Best Seller lists for Kitchen Appliances here:




  • Are you a brand that sells kitchen appliances ?
  • Are you an Amazon Seller that sells kitchen appliances?
  • Are you an agency who manages brands that sell kitchen appliances ?

Could there be an opportunity for you to expand into Japan?

For a more detailed view of the market in Japan, including estimated sales volumes, and to understand the level of the competition for your products book your Product Opportunity Analysis Report