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To understand what products sell well in the Baby category on Amazon Japan. We analysed the Top 100 Best-Selling products in this category.

*Note that Best Seller lists update regularly so the data presented here may differ slightly from the current products, however, the general trends should be similar as we regularly update this article.

Best Selling Baby Products on Amazon Japan

Quick link to the Baby products Top 100 Best-Sellers List on

Groups of products that sell well on Amazon Japan:

Main Products

  • Feeding equipment e.g. bottles, cutlery etc.
  • Travel equipment e.g booster seats, car accessories etc.
  • Health & Hygiene e.g. baby baths, sanitary items (diapers)
  • Miscellaneous Baby products e.g. sound machine, baby handprint set etc.

Feeding products were the best selling products on Amazon Japan. There were 24 listings in the Top 100. Health & Hygiene equaled Feeding products. Altogether 90% ( 45 listings for each) of the listings in the marketplace were from Feeding/ Health & Hygiene items.

How does this compare to other Amazon markets?

To see how Amazon Japan compares to other popular Amazon marketplaces, we also analysed the Top 100 Best-Seller list on

Similarities between Japan and US markets

Feeding equipment was the most popular category for both markets with Health & Hygiene at number 2. Diaper products were also relatively popular across the two markets with bins, bags, and diapers selling well. Postpartum products e.g. items used by the mother were similarly popular.

Differences between Japan and US markets

Miscellaneous baby products (products that don’t fit in any category or fit in too many) were highly popular in the USA, however significantly less so in Japan. Items like pacifiers, drying racks, fitted sheets, and sound machines were some of the listings found on the USA marketplace.

Japan Top listingsUSA Top listings
11 Baby bottles9 diapers
8 diaper bags5 diaper disposal units
6 toothbrushes5 toys
6 bottle nipples4 breast pumps
5 mugs 3 bottle brushes
4 breast pads 3 pacifiers
4 breast pumps3 breast milk bags
3 breast milk bags3 baby monitors
3 nail care sets3 car seats
3 training chopsticks2 baby gates
3 nasal aspirators2 cloths
2 soft bibs 2 cribs
2 ice block trays2 bath tubs
2 handkerchiefs
2 hair combs
2 car seats
2 wipes

Breakdown of the number for different product types on and (only shown if there were 2 or more listings in the Top 100)


In Japan ‘Pigeon’ and ‘Richell’ were brands that did particularly well, making up 46% of the Top 100 listings. ‘Munchkin’ and ‘Pampers’ were the most popular brands in the USA marketplace. They made up 21% of the listings. ‘Graco’  appears on both marketplaces’ Top 100.


The products that sell well on Amazon Japan are similar to those that sell well in the US. There are some differences but mostly the two markets are similar with Feeding & Health products being strong sellers.

Browse the Best Seller lists for Baby products here:




  • Are you a brand that sells baby products?
  • Are you an Amazon Seller that sells baby products?
  • Are you an agency that manages brands that sell baby products?

Could there be an opportunity for you to expand into Japan?

For a more detailed view of the market in Japan, including estimated sales volumes, and to understand the level of the competition for your products book your Product Opportunity Analysis Report

Interested in learning more about how to sell your products in Japan. Read this guide.