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To understand what products sell well in the Bedding category on Amazon Japan we analysed the Top 100 Best-Selling products in this category.

Best Selling Bedding products on Amazon Japan

Quick link to the Bedding products Top Best-Sellers List on

Groups of products that sell well on Amazon Japan:

Main products

  • Pillows
  • Bedsheets & Covers
  • Orthopedic products
  • Blankets & Quilts
  • Mattresses & Frames
  • Sets & Miscellaneous

Pillows are the best sellers on Amazon Japan. There are 5 listings in the top 10 and 44 in the Top 100. Bed sheets & Covers is the second most popular category with 34 listings in the Top 100.

How does this compare to other Amazon markets?

To see how Amazon Japan compares to other popular Amazon marketplaces we also analysed the Top 100 Best-Seller list on

Similarities between Japan and US markets

Pillows and Bed Sheets were popular categories for both marketplaces. 78% of the listings came from these categories.

Differences between Japan and US markets

Mattresses & Frames were more popular in the USA marketplace. However, there were more listings for Japan found under sets and Miscellaneous. Much of these listings were Futon sets , products not found or commonly sold in the USA.

Japan Top ListingsUSA Top Listings
15 Duvet sheets30 Duvet sheets
14 Support pillows11 Pillows
10 Mattress covers9 Pillow cases
10 Pillows8 Mattress covers
7 Foam pads6 Foam pads
6 Pillow cases5 Bed skirts
6 Pillow protectors5 Airbeds
5 Bed linens5 Blankets
4 Futon sets3 Body pillows
4 Body pillows3 Neck pillows
4 Neck pillows3 Quilts
2 Blankets 2 Air pumps
2 Duvet protectors2 Support pillows
2 Quilts

Breakdown of the number for different product types on and (only shown if there were 2 or more listings in the Top 100)


In the USA , the most popular brand was ‘Utopia’ followed by Amazon’s own brand , ‘Amazonbasics’. Utopia is an Australian brand whilst Amazonbasics is American.

In Japan , Mofua was the most popular brand and second most popular was Myefoam. Altogether the top two brands in the USA had 23 listings in the top 100 . Japan’s top two brands had 9 listings


The products that sell well on Amazon Japan are similar with hardly any differences. Futon sets had 6 listings in the top 100 on Japan’s marketplace. No Futon products were found on the USA market. This can be explained by cultural differences between Japan and the USA. Bed sheets/covers and Pillows are categories that make up a significant amount of both marketplace listings.

Browse the Best Seller lists for Bedding products here:




  • Are you a brand that sells Bedding products?
  • Are you an Amazon Seller that sells Bedding products?
  • Are you an agency who manages brands that sell Bedding products?

Could there be an opportunity for you to expand into Japan?

For a more detailed view of the market in Japan, including estimated sales volumes, and to understand the level of the competition for your products book your Product Opportunity Analysis Report

Do you sell bedding products? Want to learn more about selling in Japan? Learn how to sell on Amazon Japan.